Monday, March 18, 2013


Buenas Tardes!!!!

Well this week is the week of transfers!! It is definitely an exciting time in the mission and there is great anticipation for the 20+ sisters that are coming to the mission. All of them and 1 elder :) That should be a fun plain ride over ;) Every Spanish sister that is here, whether they just got here last transfer or not, will be training. So that means me too! :) I knew it was coming so it's not a big shock. The big shock (well not really because anything can happen on the mission) is that I am being Transferred!!! The Assistants called last night and said I will be receiving a new companion and a new area... That is a little bit intimidating. That means wherever me and my trainee are, we will both have no idea about the area or the people! I should be more scared than I am, I'm sure it will kick in when the day finally comes, but it's comforting to know that this is the Lords work and he's going to help us no matter where we are. I love the scripture "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I will definitely miss Florence though... There are some great people here and it is so beautiful. Most of my district guessed last week that I would be transferred. I've been here too long ;) The guess was that I will be going to Lorna branch in Birmingham. But we will see!!! I'm excited :D hopefully it will be an area with more Spanish people so I can get more practice. I just hope that I had some effect in this area. 

This week has been strange. Sister Stock was sick all this week. I feel for her, it's horrible being sick on the mission. I don't know for sure but I think that her body is just exhausted. We rode our bikes A LOT last week and I think it wore her out. It was interesting that every time we went out to work she all of a sudden couldn't move anymore :) it was probably the anticipation of the exhaustion on her body. So we stayed in a lot this week. That is the hardest because I was just itching to get out and talk with people. I tried to keep myself busy though. I worked a lot on the area book and read a lot.

We went over to see Jose Luis, Dulce, and Octaviana this week. For some reason we haven't seen them as frequently as we usually do. After Octaviana fed us, Dulce asked if we would go with her to the Tienda and I was thinking like the spanish tienda with food, but she ended up taking us to the mall... that was a bit weird to be there. I did take advantage of the opportunity and asked her about her baptism. She told me she just isn't ready. I know someday she will be but it just isn't now. Octaviana can't progress because she has to marry her novio that she lives with who has to divorce his wife in Mexico and that all becomes a problem when you're illegal ;) BUT! I know one day they will all be baptized and sealed in the temple. It just isn't their time. One day! We are hoping that Jose Luis can get to the temple soon to do baptisms :) That's the ultimate goal, to get them to the temple!

We had a Spanish Fiesta on Friday! That was fun. Not a lot of people came but we invited the Spanish Elders from Russellville and they invited more Spanish people. The Hispanics danced and we watched :) And we ate nachos and us and the Elders sang. It was fun. Toni Meza (the return missionary in our ward) really put it all together. He has been a great help in the work. He really wants the ward to get excited about missionary work and is working hard to put together activities to do that. I hope to be that kind of RM when I get back.

We've decided that Alabama is the best and worst place to serve ;) The best because everybody believes in Jesus Christ and have a love for him... but that also makes it the worst because they have no desire to listen to us. We love all of the religions here! They are all great people! But it's an interesting thing because even though the love God so much, Satan has such a strong hold on their hearts. It's hard for me to even wrap my mind around it! What do we do?

You got to love the accents here :) Sister Stock had a rough day so we decided to go to get ice cream at McDonalds. (nothing like Ice cream to make ya feel better). Some lady cut us off in the drive through line, but it was okay because her accent when she ordered made it all worth it. I wish ya'll could hear it now. "Can I get two hot fudge Sundays with extra fuuuuddge" you gotta talk real slow to get the full effect of the southerness ;) it's probably one of those things where you have to be there ;)

Thank you so much Family for the Saint Patrick day's candy!!! Ya'll must have been inspired because I needed that tooth brush top! I was looking at them last Monday but they were too pricey for my missionary budget ;) 

Love ya'll tons!!!! Miss you too!!!! Next time I email I will be in a new area with a new companion! :D

Con Amor, Hermana Masey Decker

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