Monday, March 25, 2013

Greetings from Montgomery Alabama!


Wow! This week has been loca! It is so crazy to be in a new area with so many new people and a new companion. Missions are definitely not for those who don't like change. We are changing all the time! Well, most of y'all know I am now in Montgomery Alabama. It is definitely different than Florence. We aren't in the country anymore :) we are right in the city. Not nearly as big as Birmingham but definitely the city. My new companion is Sister Child and she is amazing! She is from Farmington Utah. 20 years old and has never been away from home :) It is definitely an experience for her. haha. A lot of the places we go tracting here are ghetto and she is not used to it. I love it though. The humble are a lot more willing to listen to what we have to say. Well we got here on Wednesday night and we had pretty much nothing to go off of. We are the first Spanish sisters here and our Area Book was COMPLETELY empty. Which means we have no former investigators or potential investigators or anything! We are definitely starting from scratch. And we both have no idea about the area. The first few days were rough! We were just trying to find out where to even go! We have an senior couple in our district, the Astens, and they told us that there were some areas that we were not to go to... apparently some places down here are a bit dangerous and some are a bit sketchy so we can't go there at night. But! We are starting to figure it all out so it's all good :)

We went tracting the other day and found some Spanish people! YAY!! There must be a lot to find here because we have us and the spanish elders here in our ward, the Carter Hill ward. There isn't a branch but they have a Spanish group which means that we go to church with the ward but we have a separate sacrament meeting and Sunday school class, all in spanish :D I love it! There aren't a lot of spanish people in the ward, but we are going to change that! And they are talking about starting a branch here soon, so hopefully we can help with that. I love the Spanish! I am still not quite so strong in my abilities, but they appreciate that we are learning their language. I can understand almost everything, it's the speaking that is difficult. And I really have nobody to lean on to teach so... But it will be great for Sister Child because she will have to pick it up a lot quicker than I did. We are blessed to be in this area! I'm so excited :D

Haha. We were tracting the other day and we knocked on a door and we here a little kid go, "It's white people!" haha. The best part is that it didn't just happen at one house. It happened at a couple other doors we knocked. We are definitely the minority a lot of times around here. It is so different from anywhere I have ever been, but I love it. I did promise Serph I'd baptize some black people for him, so maybe this is my chance :) We knocked on this one door and the guy had a hard time understanding me.I'm going to have to work on my black girl accent around here :)

Training is so crazy!!!!! I cannot believe I am training! I don't feel equipped to train. I just hope Sister Child doesn't hate me by the time were done ;) She is a quick learner so I have high hopes for her. I'm the one who is being trained, not the other way around.

President pulled me a side on transfer day to talk to me for a second. He told me that he had my picture all around the map the past few days and he had even changed it the day before. Something was not sticking. He said that if it was his choice he would have put me in a spanish branch and that he tried so hard, but it just wasn't Gods will :) So I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I love you all! Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all is going well!
Brayden! Sisters are better ;) That's all there is to it. And we as sisters love elders like you. Believe me though, it gets so much better in the field. Everyone grows up a bit :)
Colby! Get better!

Love, Masey

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