Monday, February 4, 2013


Buenas Tardes!! 

How is everyone doing?! Everything is wonderful here. I am alive and healthy, what more could ya ask for :) 

Nothing really exciting to report for this week. It was just one of those weeks I guess. Yes, we did have some tornado warnings this week. It was pretty crazy. The best part is that we have a weather radio in our apartment... right next to my bed. And the tornado warnings started at about 3 AM and lasted on and off until it was time to wake up. That weather radio is not quiet. Then they had the sirens going off and we get texts on our phone for weather alerts so that was going off all night as well. Suffice it to say that I didn't sleep much that night :) It was good though. Nothing happened, so everyone was safe :)

We finally got to talk to one of our investigators who has been passed down from one generation of missionaries to another. Nobody has the heart to finally drop them because they are such great people and seem to progress and stop and progress and stop. Anyways, They are college kids, married (which is rare) and have the cutest little boy. He's only 2 and shoots a basketball like a pro. He's got the form and everything. Serph would like him :) All of these little babies are killing me! Not being able to hold them is a lot harder than I thought. 

Jose Luis left this week to go work down in Tuscaloosa for 15 days. We were sad that he left because he has been such a help in helping his family and he won't be back until after Hermana Belford leaves. But he told us he missed us and that he isn't about to leave the church. He knows what he knows and he's not going to deny it :D That was good to hear because apparently we loose a lot of the hispanics when they go off for work trips.

We're being fed plenty! So no worries mom ;) So much so that I have officially gained more than I had ever planned to. I think I'm up to about 20 lbs since I started the mission. BUT that is going back down once we start working out more hard core. We have been driving a lot! We had to go to Tupelo, Mississippi for our Zone training and then we went down to Haleyville to help the Elders from Hamilton who are also over that branch to visit some of the Young woman on Presidents orders. So basically we have already used about half of our miles and then we have to go to Birmingham twice this month... so basically we will be riding our bikes a lot! Hope my new companion after Hermana Belford, brought her biking legs ;)

Which reminds me. The other sisters are moving out of our apartment next transfer, which is a bit depressing. Sister Leifson and I have been together since the beginning. And were not sure what they are gonna do with our car because we are supposed to be in a  car share with those sisters next transfer... We will see. Hopefully they don't take the car away from us altogether. 

Elder Christofferson is coming to our mission on the 23rd and we are all meeting together to listen to him. That will be pretty amazing. That's one of our trips down to Birmingham and then the next is for transfers... I'm a bit scared to see what happens then, but I guess the Lord knows best! :)

Our little hermanita Dulce (Jose Luis' sister) is going through some struggles. Seems like all of our Investigators are. She is having basic teenage girl problems, but is thinking of moving to Mexico with this complicated muchacho that she think she is in love with... We are doing all we can to prevent that, for her sake and her mothers. Her mom, Octaviana, has too much going on with all of her children. I feel bad for her. Jose Luis is her angel child. The worst part is when Hermana Belford leaves, I have a high chance of having a trainee and that means I will be in charge of all of the spanish pretty much. They have too many problems for my Spanish to handle! :) 

Anywho, Sorry this letter was ALL over the place! That's pretty much my thoughts today ;) Life is good! I love the mission, I love the things I am learning, I love the Lord, and I love all of you! nothing else really matters :)

Brayden!! Congrats on going through the temple!! That's exciting :D I'm so happy for ya. Oh and I met someone that is going to monterrey on their mission! I can't remember which one though. I'll let ya know. He goes in May. 

Les Amo!!

Con amor, Hermana Decker

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