Monday, February 25, 2013

Buenos Dias!!!

Good Morning!

I'm emailing early this morning because we get to go to Tupelo Mississippi today to play sports with the whole zone so we had to head out early! 

Wow it has been an interesting week :) Everything is going amazing here I love every minute of this amazing work and I am so excited for it to continue to go forward! So many new missionaries are coming out and the creation of the 50 somewhat new missions! That is pretty exciting. Can I just say that I absolutely love the missionaries out here. They are all pretty amazing. I love seeing all of my peers out and serving the Lord when they could be doing anything with their lives. I love each of them and have made some pretty great friends :) 

It's not just fun and games though right? ;) No it's not. It's tough sometimes but I see no point focusing on the negative of anything, it only makes it worse. I have been feeling a little bit on the sickly side this week though and I can see it effecting our work. I just keep praying I get feeling a bit better! :) It's not too bad though. 

So the other sisters moved out of our apartment :( it was a sad day but it will be good because now they're smack dab in the middle of their area. Now I get to learn how to get along with just one person in the apartment. It definitely is an adjustment. Sister Stock... well let's just say that I am learning a lot from her ;) She really is great.  She is so loving and tells everyone we meet that she loves them, (even if we have just met them). She also has a great spirit about her. She definitely feels the spirit different than anyone I have ever met and it has taken me some getting used to, but I am learning. She definitely has centered in on that spirit and has utilized it in her missionary work which is amazing. We have had some good talks about how we can work better together. She tends to rail side me in lessons. Which is kind of funny because we went teaching with a younger couple in the ward, he just got back from his mission a few months ago and he told me as he drove us home, "Sister Decker, I had a companion like Sister Stock once." ... he just left it at that. Haha. I guess he thought it might be of comfort to me to know that he understood how I was feeling. I'm definitely learning humility, patience, charity, basically everything I have been praying for. Haha! Sister Leifson and I have decided that we have to be careful what we pray for out here on our missions because God answers our prayers. 

The ward here has really stepped up here in the last week, and all it took was for us to get up and ask the sisters in relief society to help us. We had a younger couple come and help us yesterday to teach our investigators another younger couple. The lesson was amazing! I truly have a testimony that members can make all of the difference. We weren't sure if this young couple, Jessica and Justin, were interested but after that lesson I know that they are and I am excited to see what the future has in store for them. They are expecting a baby within the next couple months so it truly is an opportune time to share the gospel with them.

I'm learning that I know spanish more than I thought I did. :) It's funny how that happens when you suddenly have to take over. Talking on the phone is the worst but, it's getting better and I love learning the language. I just wish it would come faster :)

We had the amazing opportunity to hear from our beloved apostle Elder Christofferson on Saturday! It was amazing! We had to leave early in the morning around 5:45 to get to Birmingham on time, but it was definitely worth it. He talked a lot about working with the Members and the Ward council and how it really is up to them to take over :) Which is definitely true. The member missionaries do more than we could ever do! His wife taught us about 2 kings 4:1-7 and how the Lord is able to fill our vessels, but we have to trust him. He will make our little pot of oil, able to fill every vessel that we have. That's the joy of the Atonement :) Elder Christofferson added that God has so much that he wants to give to us! We need to prepare ourselves and be worthy enough to accept all of that "oil" that he can give to us. They of course said it much more eloquently than I ever could but, there ya go :) 

I appreciate all of you prayers and your love! I can fell it everyday :) There is no way I could do this without all of the support from my amazing family and friends. I hope ya'll know that I pray for you everyday as well. 

Con todo de mi amor! Les Amo muchisimo!!!!!! Que les vaya bien :D
- Hermana Decker

Monday, February 18, 2013


Hey everyone!!!

So this week has been crazy! I had to say goodbye to my dearly beloved companion Sister Belford :'( That was a sad moment. I cried. She is SO awesome and I can't wait to see where she goes in life :) I love the mission and how many amazing friendships I have made already. Friends that will last a lifetime. I hate saying goodbye!!! but I guess i best be getting used to it since that's pretty much the mission.

Ya'll probably already saw my new companion from the blog. Sister Stock.  So here's a funny story for ya. Monday night they call us and tell us about transfers and they tell me I will be training and I need to come to the training meeting... So I go and after the meeting one of the Assistants pulls me aside and says I can give him my training material because I will not be training... What! He then told me that he never said I would be training (which is not true and a whole other story) but whatever. It was a relief but a bit dissappointing too. I love the new missionaries and I want to make the same impact on them as Sister Belford did for me. 

Yea so now I got sister Stock. She is sweet and loving and has been out only one transfer less than I have so we are learning together. Let's just say that I will probably learn a lot about myself from this transfer :) Were a bit different in our personalities and she's a bit too sure of herself, But! it's gonna be great... :) Oh the joys of companionships ;) So sad though is that the other sisters are moving out! We thought that they weren't but sure enough we got a call this morning and Elder and Sister May said they would be moving them tomorrow... Sad day :( I will miss Sister Leifson. And sister Nokes is awesome! She's from Riverton! I knew she looked familiar when she got there. Small world mormon world is. But yes, they are moving and I'm sad. God knows best though. I'm sure I have something to learn from all of this.

Okay, so since I didn't get to email much last week. Here's the run down. We have a return missionary in our ward. His name is Toni Meza and he served in the Mesa Arizona mission! He is pretty awesome and is helping us out a TON. I wish he was a girl though, he could take us places... Beggers can't be chosers though! Our dear investigator Anocia left her kids at home alone for three days... the oldest is 15 but  the youngest is 7! Bah! I wish we could council people on their parenting skills. I got a tortilla maker so I have been making tortillas like crazy! (That could explain my gaining 20 pounds). And yes, I did take 3 Benadryls on Friday because we got up to work out at 6 and I meant to take 3 ibuprofen... I was a little bit out of it. I called sister may (the mission nurse) and she says i should be fine but "it will knock ya out!" I made it through the day though! not completely there but i didn't fall asleep :D And yea we met some kids from Eritrea, theyre pretty awesome. The 4 dinners in the row was because sister Belford was going home so the whole ward wanted us over for dinner. That was a pain in my stomach :)

Whoo, sorry that was a brief overview :) So some of our investigators. One is Becky. She is Amazing! the way the spirit testifies to her is that she understands everything we tell her. She just knows it and it is great!  She didn't come to church this Sunday :( so we are going to have to move her baptismal date back and she has to get married to her boyfriend she is living with, which we will bring up when we teach the law of chastity ASAP! She needs the gospel and she knows it.  Jose Luis' little sister Dulce finally committed to a date! March 9th! She is ready. She needs to make this next step in her life, I know it will bless her. She has a fear of the water however, so hopefully we can help her overcome that obstacle with practice :) 

The Spanish is awesome! I guess I know more than I thought I did which is nice. It's easy when you have someone that knows spanish like a native to just sit back and let them say it right. Now I have to say it whether it's wrong or right. I still suck at it though. The worst is on the phone. I can hardly understand anything that goes on there! But! Jose Luis did tell me that my spanish is A LOT better than when I got here. He's awesome. HIs whole family is awesome. His mom, Octaviana prays for ya'll (my family) every time were over there :) His little sister Selena had her birfday yesterday. I adore that little girl, she turned 5. 

Hmm, what else happened this week. I fell off my bike! Yea that was a sight to see. So we pretty much have no miles again so we were going to this Less Actives house at night and the phone rings and i have the brilliant idea to try and answer it... Granted I wouldn't have fallen if my brakes where better, but I pressed the front one a little to hard and totally flipped over my bike. I'm okay though!!!! :) no worries. Thank you guardian angels and my beautiful helmet. I got a nice blue and purple bruise all up my leg though and another on my elbow. It makes a good story I guess :) The best part was that Sister Stock jumped off her bike to come check on me and I still answered the phone as I layed there on the ground under my bike. The work must go on! :)

I am learning a ton! I love it. Even though it's rough sometimes :) I am thinking that there will be a lot of praying this transfer... and probably the next since I know for positive every spanish sister here will be training :) OH! There are spanish Elders in the Russelville ward now too. So we aren't the only spanish in the zone anymore which is awesome. They are awesome too. Our district grew from 6 missionaries to 10 in this transfer :) I'm pretty excited. We have the best elders. Elder Coleman (our district leader) is awesome. 

Gotta run! But I love you all SOOOOOO much and miss you all SOOOOO much!!!!!!!!! 

Love, Hermana Decker

Ps. I hope kate got her card! Sister Belford and I got a good kick out of it :) 

And thanks Padres for the GPS!!!!! I screamed when I got it. Ya'll are life savers!

I can't believe Brayden is leaving soon!!!! That's crazy! Wish I was there for your farewell talk Bray!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lo Siento!


Sorry that I am emailing so late! The computers are all down in the Library so we had to go to a members home and there is only one computer here!
Anyways, I don't have any time to really write anything but I'll give ya a little preview ;)

This week consisted of: An awesome return missionary, Lots and LOTS of food (one day of 4 dinners right in a row!), a mother who has pretty much left her kids home alone for 3 days, Tortilla making, 3 Benidryls taken at 6 in the morning, some kids from Eritrea Africa who speak Kunama, and miracles!! always miracles.

Well transfers are this week. I should find out what's happening tonight. They are supposed to call us. I do know Sister Belford is leaving :( I'm sad about that. She's awesome, I love that Hermana :) 

Thanks for the package, everyone loved it! I heard mom that you met Sister Vanderver from Russellville on missionary mall! small world!

Love you all!!!! Mucho Mucho Amor!!!!'
Hermana Decker


So I need a GPS. We have been trying to get around with out one but we have had Sister Leifson's for back up and she is moving out of the apartment :( so I need one. I can't get around out of Florence without one. Would it be better for me just to buy one or for you to send me one? I decided not to buy the tennis shoes, I can live with the ones I have :)

As for the Brayden situation, I would say either you and dad fly out or bring the whole fam. He says he doesn't care, but I know he does. 

Love you mom! You really are the best! I miss you lots! I pray for ya every day :) Hugs and kisses!!!

Love, Masey

Monday, February 4, 2013


Buenas Tardes!! 

How is everyone doing?! Everything is wonderful here. I am alive and healthy, what more could ya ask for :) 

Nothing really exciting to report for this week. It was just one of those weeks I guess. Yes, we did have some tornado warnings this week. It was pretty crazy. The best part is that we have a weather radio in our apartment... right next to my bed. And the tornado warnings started at about 3 AM and lasted on and off until it was time to wake up. That weather radio is not quiet. Then they had the sirens going off and we get texts on our phone for weather alerts so that was going off all night as well. Suffice it to say that I didn't sleep much that night :) It was good though. Nothing happened, so everyone was safe :)

We finally got to talk to one of our investigators who has been passed down from one generation of missionaries to another. Nobody has the heart to finally drop them because they are such great people and seem to progress and stop and progress and stop. Anyways, They are college kids, married (which is rare) and have the cutest little boy. He's only 2 and shoots a basketball like a pro. He's got the form and everything. Serph would like him :) All of these little babies are killing me! Not being able to hold them is a lot harder than I thought. 

Jose Luis left this week to go work down in Tuscaloosa for 15 days. We were sad that he left because he has been such a help in helping his family and he won't be back until after Hermana Belford leaves. But he told us he missed us and that he isn't about to leave the church. He knows what he knows and he's not going to deny it :D That was good to hear because apparently we loose a lot of the hispanics when they go off for work trips.

We're being fed plenty! So no worries mom ;) So much so that I have officially gained more than I had ever planned to. I think I'm up to about 20 lbs since I started the mission. BUT that is going back down once we start working out more hard core. We have been driving a lot! We had to go to Tupelo, Mississippi for our Zone training and then we went down to Haleyville to help the Elders from Hamilton who are also over that branch to visit some of the Young woman on Presidents orders. So basically we have already used about half of our miles and then we have to go to Birmingham twice this month... so basically we will be riding our bikes a lot! Hope my new companion after Hermana Belford, brought her biking legs ;)

Which reminds me. The other sisters are moving out of our apartment next transfer, which is a bit depressing. Sister Leifson and I have been together since the beginning. And were not sure what they are gonna do with our car because we are supposed to be in a  car share with those sisters next transfer... We will see. Hopefully they don't take the car away from us altogether. 

Elder Christofferson is coming to our mission on the 23rd and we are all meeting together to listen to him. That will be pretty amazing. That's one of our trips down to Birmingham and then the next is for transfers... I'm a bit scared to see what happens then, but I guess the Lord knows best! :)

Our little hermanita Dulce (Jose Luis' sister) is going through some struggles. Seems like all of our Investigators are. She is having basic teenage girl problems, but is thinking of moving to Mexico with this complicated muchacho that she think she is in love with... We are doing all we can to prevent that, for her sake and her mothers. Her mom, Octaviana, has too much going on with all of her children. I feel bad for her. Jose Luis is her angel child. The worst part is when Hermana Belford leaves, I have a high chance of having a trainee and that means I will be in charge of all of the spanish pretty much. They have too many problems for my Spanish to handle! :) 

Anywho, Sorry this letter was ALL over the place! That's pretty much my thoughts today ;) Life is good! I love the mission, I love the things I am learning, I love the Lord, and I love all of you! nothing else really matters :)

Brayden!! Congrats on going through the temple!! That's exciting :D I'm so happy for ya. Oh and I met someone that is going to monterrey on their mission! I can't remember which one though. I'll let ya know. He goes in May. 

Les Amo!!

Con amor, Hermana Decker


Hey mama!

Tell bray thanks for the CDs. He will probably want some kind of coat for the MTC. You walk around the campus a bit. an Ipod should work just fine with a speaker. But so do the CD's. I think they give a little movie player to every missionary companionship, but I'm not sure. We watch our little training videos on it and you can play CD's in it. You don't even need a speaker for that.
Tell him not to bring a Preach my gospel. They'll give him one. He'll need his English Scriptures though. They give him spanish ones. Tell him they have cute little preach my gospels that are like scripture size and he can buy one of those in the MTC. They are small and convenient. You can buy pretty much anything you need study wise in the MTC. They have pens, paper, journals, scriptures, notebooks, etc... The missionary library is great! Jesus the Christ, Our search for happiness, etc... I don't now about anything else. It's probably different for the Elders. That's awesome he got in intermediate! If he was in advanced, he'd be with like the natives, so intermediate is good. Does that mean his MTC stay is shorter?? When we were there, the intermediates only stayed for 6 weeks. 

Thanks mom! you're the best!

Love you!!!!