Monday, May 13, 2013

Hola Familia!

Buenos Dias :)

I am so happy I got to see all (well almost all) of your beautiful faces yesterday!!! :) So sad Serph wasn't there :( I miss his beautiful face too. I'm sad I didn't get to talk to Bray either, but at least I know he is being taken care for across the border :) Didn't know we were in the same time zone though!! That's neat! 

Nothing has changed much since we last talked. I'm sad we didn't have more time though :( So much to say and yet so little time! All the kids looked the same but a little more grown up. I can't believe how fast time flies by! I keep having dreams that I am home and it makes me realize that I don't want to go home anytime soon. Not because I don't want to see my family but because I haven't finished what I was sent out here to do and I haven't become the person that I need to become.  This mission really is a blessing and I am now just realizing how extremely short the time is here! It has made me realize that I don't want to let even one moment slip by, which is exactly what I have been praying for. I am so grateful for parents who have raised me to get to this exact point in my life :)

Huntsville is going well. I love the people here and I love sharing the gospel with them. We were able to commit three people to baptism this week. Daniel and Suzanna, and Alejandra. We have a lot of investigators, the problem is that none of them will come to church! It's frustrating but we just keep trying to think outside of the box like President teaches us so we can get people to come.

We are having trouble getting some of the branch members out to teach with us. The ones that can go out are usually out with the other missionaries in the branch. We are trying to come up with ways to make the branch excited for missionary work but haven't quite figured it out yet. We are going to visit more members and hopefully we can get someone out with us. That would be nice because I have seen the blessings of member missionary work. There really is nothing that compares! 

The missionaries too need a bit of a kick to get them more excited for the work. I have started to see the importance of leading by example and I hope we are doing a good enough job to help out these sisters a bit. They are afraid of inviting to baptism! The zone leaders really hit that hard in Zone Training, but some people still just don't get it. We have to get them to realize that is our purpose! Invite! They need to see more baptisms to get them excited but they won't see any if they're not inviting.

I love the mission. Even with all of the naked ladies answering the doors, Wasps in the house, broken fingers, muddy shoes, flat bike tires, slammed doors, problem missionaries, cat calls etc... It really is a great journey :D and all of those things just make it even better ;) They make good stories. I can't imagine not being here. I'm grateful for the events in my life that have brought me here. We had a man just stop us on the street asking us for a Bible and we gave him that and a Book of Mormon and he was so excited to read it! Little things like that make me realize that the lord is preparing people right now! We just gotta find them :)

Thank you so much for all of your support and Love!! I couldn't do it without you :) 

Love, Hermana Masey Decker

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