Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Como Estan!!


Greetings once again from the lovely state of Alabama! :)  It has been another fantastic week as a missionary. I love every single moment of it. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else right now. I keep having dreams where I am at home and I wake up in a panic. I will not let that happen. I guess it's good though because I wake up realizing that at some point I will go home and I need to work my tail off before that day comes. But, like I said. I love it. I love our little branch and all of the members. I love our investigators. I love the missionaries, especially our sisters were over. I just love it all.

I mentioned before I love our investigators. I would love it more if they would keep some commitments!!  We are having trouble getting ANY of our investigators to church. Even the other Elders and Sisters in our district (and branch by that matter) can't seem to get anybody to commit to come to church... Well I guess the problem is that they commit and then they don't show up. We thought for sure we would have at least one person at the church since we arranged a ride for them and everything and they promised they would be there... The members went, but nobody answered the door. It's a bit discouraging especially since they commit to baptism and then they aren't really willing to work towards it. We try to make it very clear that if they want to be baptized they need to come to church... still nothing. It has made me realize that we really are looking for the elect. The ones who are willing to keep those commitments and come to church at all costs.

I got to go down to Montgomery this week! The three hour drive was totally worth it just to be there for Paulina's baptism! Yep, she was finally baptized and it was wonderful :) Even with the fact that she had to be baptized three times. That has made me realize that these people are out there. The ones who are ready. Who have been praying for us to show up. Praying for direction. Praying for peace. And then God sends us. God knows where they are. The problem I'm having is listening to him I guess. We'll find them though :) We might have to drop all of our investigators first though ;) 

I finally got to take a nap! I think it was the first time on my mission! It was preparation day. I usually don't like taking naps because we have SO MUCH TO DO! But, my allergies are killing me. I love Alabama, but not so much all of the pollen in the air. Thank you drugs!

Well, we are as busy forever with everything, but I love it so much. It makes me a better missionary and helps me be more urgent. I loved being able to see your pictures Brayden! I can't believe it! You're a missionary! I may have shed a tear or two. I love it. It helps me be motivated to work. 

The work goes on! We are still searching, working hard, biking like crazy! I lost 5 lbs! Huntsville is like the hilliest place in Alabama. We have some nice sweat stains to show for it ;) 

Love you all soooooo much! Thank you for the prayers and letters. Thanks for the package mom! Sadly... only the ruffly skirt fit.. I'm telling you I'm getting fat! The dress was just a little bit to small. If I was a couple centimeters smaller, it would fit. And the houndstooth skirt was a bit to short... But! I loved them. It's the thought that counts right? One of the sisters told me they found some good flowy skirts with pockets at Down East. 

Oh! for the Elders in your ward. President said something that I thought might help. Think of all of the missionaries that have been in that area and how many of them have asked the members for referrals. They need to stop asking for referrals and invite missionaries to do missionary work. Help them to do missionary work. In the end, our mission is just preparing us to be better member missionaries because they do the actual work.

Love you!!! 
Con amor, Hermana Decker

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