Monday, April 8, 2013


How yall doing! :)

Everything is fantastic here in Montgomery Alabama! Conference was amazing! I absolutely loved every single talk. They truly are inspired servants of the Lord. I tried to go about every talk thinking, "How can this apply to me," rather than, "I hope this person is listening to this talk." It really helped. Even the marriage one mom ;) Our companionships are a lot like a marriage and I figured if I applied the same principles, our companionships should be a lot better. The words of the apostles and prophets are truly inspiring and very applicable to my current calling. I loved, as always, Elder Holland's talk. He has such a power behind his words and they truly touched me especially since I have been praying for increased faith. Elder Uchtdorf is always one of my personal favorites :) He just knows how to make you feel good about yourself. And I loved Sister Daltons talk. "What e'er thou art, act well thy part." :) She is amazing. I was sad to hear she is being released, but she definitely has done her part!

We have been working our little tails off here! We met with our stake president yesterday, President Millington, to discuss with the spanish elders and spanish sisters in Prattville about the spanish work in our area. Like I mentioned before, we are in a "Spanish Group" which means we run under the bishopric of the ward. They told President Millington that they do not have the capability of caring for the Spanish people because of the Language barrier. So.... We are starting a branch!!! I am super excited to be a part of the establishment of the Branch. The problem is that we only have about 5-10 active members and only about 1 of them has the melchezidek priesthood, so we have a lot of work to do. They said they are going to take some people out of the wards around us to be the leaders for now, but I don't know if I will even be here when they actually start the branch. 

We had interviews with President this week and he basically told us we need to be focusing on the spanish people here. We are to work with the spanish people which means, we got to find them and baptize them :) This week we found a whole apartment complex full of Hispanics! The problem is that a lot of them don't actually speak spanish... They speak some dialect from their little pueblos in Mexico and Guatemala. It's always fun to get a blank stare from them as we start talking to them in spanish only to realize that they have no idea what were saying. BUT! We have 2 baptismal dates set up right now!!! One is a woman we recontacted that has been taught by many different missionaries. Her name is Maricruz and she has had many different baptismal dates but just didn't follow through. We have been examining her teaching record and it looks as if her husband, who works in Tennessee frequently, may be the hold up. Hopefully we can touch his heart. The other date is with Paulina. We met her tracting. As soon as Sister Child said, "We are representatives of Jesus Christ," She let us right in. Her husband has just recently left her alone with no job and 3 kids. It is heart breaking to hear the sadness in her voice. She certainly has been prepared to hear the word.

Everyone here knows, even the english missionaries, that the hispanics are "yay sayers". They say yes to almost anything we ask them to do... Whether they do it is another thing entirely. BUT! I have faith! We are going to get a baptism this transfer! :) Our amazing District leader, Elder Bentley, has really been hitting us hard on inviting EVERYONE to baptism. It really has made me start to think, I can't put my own personal judgement on whether somebody is ready or not. As missionaries we are always so scared that they will say no, but what if they don't? Only God knows :) We are here to invite others unto Jesus Christ by helping them get to Baptism so they can start that spiritual journey through their life! BAh! I love this work :) It transforms people and I love that I have the opportunity to see that happen every day. 

Training is difficult. I don't feel like I am equipped for the job :) I know there are so many other missionaries who could do a better job than I could, but it certainly has taught me humility and really relying on the Lord to help me. I hope I am making a difference in Sister Child's experience here. I just know that so many missionaries have made such a difference in my life and I hope to be able to do the same for others! I don't know if Sister Child feels like I am a good missionary, but I've come to the realization that it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks but God. We went on exchanges this week and I think she enjoyed being with the other sister more. I'm trying so hard to be the best I can, I just hope that I am helping. Every missionary has their strengths :) I'm just trying to remember that. I just know I LOVED my trainers. I hope she feels the same...

Everything else is great! I'm loving the spanish that I get to use a lot more often now :) I still can't speak too well, but enough that they understand me ;) I read your email mom about Colby and Serph helping out Brooklyn. It almost made me cry :') I have some pretty amazing brothers :D Love y'all to death! 

Gracias for all the love, prayers and support!

Love, Masey

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