Monday, January 21, 2013

Les Amo mucho!!!

Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :D

So this week has been a crazy week. We went in to send our numbers in last night and we were like, "Whoa! What happened?". It was more like a "wow I'm exhausted, this week was so busy"and then you go in to put in numbers and realize that they're a bit low.... If anything, Sister Belford has taught me that numbers don't matter. Everyone says that, but she has taught me that you can be fulfilling your purpose as a missionary and not be bringing in tons of numbers. That's what happened this week.

Hermano Limon passed away last week... I may or may not have mentioned that... but anywho. He has 11 kids (not all of them active but most of them living within our ward boundaries and making up basically half of our ward) and so we spent the majority of the week helping with consoling the children and grandchildren and helping with funeral arrangements. They are all spanish, but most of them speak pretty fluent english, but the fact that the funeral was all in spanish and we just happen to be spanish speaking missionaries helped out a lot. I got to lead the music and helped with the kids in their little musical number. It was really a great experience. All of their family came together and we got to see all of the less active members of their family which was great. They have over 100 members of their family all together!!! and none of them have ever passed away! The funeral was great because they have a bishop as a member of their family, (a son in law) and he talked all about the plan of salvation. They really needed it. It was certainly a sad moment in their lives but the funeral was actually really full of hope. It wasn't sad at all. I am so grateful for the knowledge we have that this life is not the end. And not only is there a life after this, but a life to be enjoyed with the ones we love :)

Besides that this week. we tried to see a couple of less actives. One of them had his daughter come out to ask us if we could help them get food... We brought them what little extra we had... he still never came out to talk to us. But at least we helped his daughters :) Another one had her grandson come out and tell us she was not there, even though we had just saw her go get the mail. But hey, its still all good :D I love the little excuses that people come up with. We just want to help you!!!

I think I mentioned the little Haitian family we met about a week ago. Well, they have a baptismal date for February the 9th!!! There's 3 kids that  can be baptized and the mom. I don't really think they understand the full concept of baptism yet so who knows what will happen, but we'll see.

We had Interviews with the president this week in District meeting. He talked to me a lot about training... that was not very comforting, but it is something I have been worried about lately. I know I will either start next month, but for sure in March. It's a bit intimidating because Spanish is still... well it's coming poco a poco. Plus, I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But he said something I liked. We're all still learning. You wouldn't get mad at a child who is learning to walk and after a few steps fell. You would be happy that they took those few steps.

Dulce, the sister of our recent convert Jose Luis, has been having struggles this week. We have been focusing on her a lot this week because we know she is ready for baptism. We really had a talk with her about why we are there and her relationship with the Lord and her Heavenly Father. It was a really good talk and I think it really got her to start thinking. She doesn't have a very strong self worth so we are trying to help her build that up and realize that she is a daughter of God and he only wants the best for her. She is struggling with some basic teenager problems but also has been caught doing things at school she shouldn't and so now she is expelled. She has been having issues with this guy and we are just trying to figure it all out to help her grow closer to her Lord and savior. I think we have in some part, but she still has a ways to go. In the end, she said she would think about baptism. I just hope that we can help her. I have really grown such a love for her family. Her brother has changed so much!! He is so much happier and has even started thinking about helping others by having us go visit them :)

Well, that all I have time for this week. I'm loving the mission, I'm loving the people, I'm loving Alabama (Even though it snowed this week!!!) and I'm loving all of the amazing missionaries. Pretty much, I'm just full of love for everything and everyone! It's great :D

Love you all! Miss you all mucho!!!!!!!!! Hasta Luego!!

Love, Hermana Decker

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