Wednesday, October 3, 2012

6 more days!

Hola! So I got all my flight itinerary (is that how you spell it?) and I will be out of here next tuesday at 4:00 in the morning. Yep that's what I said, 4 o clock. I am super excited and yet at the same time super scared. I believe that my plane is leaving at 7... I actually don't really know what time but it's in the 7 o clock hour. I will get my flight stuff and email ya'll really quick later. The good news is that I will get to call home and talk to ya'll :D The bad news is that I don't really know when but it will probably be in the wee hours of the morning for yall so around 5-6 AM. I do have about an hour layover in Atlanta so I may be able to get in a few minutes there to but we will have to see. Anyways, so october 9th in the morning, be ready for me to call. I don't want to call and have nobody answer like it usually goes with the phone at home. I will get you the specifics on the flights later. But yea, I'm super excited!
I have been speaking in straight spanish for about 4-5 days now and it is so hard. I have been learning a lot more, but I end up just not talking to people because I don't know how to say it in spanish. My companion is probably ready to kill me because she is having a hard time understanding anything I say and plus it takes me about 5 times longer to say a sentence in spanish as it does in english, but I just keep reminding her that this is all we will be doing in a week so she better get used to it :)
So what the coordinating sister is, is basically it's like a zone leader but for the girls in the zone... which only consists of the 5 that are in my room. I basically just oversee them and make sure they are doing okay and talk to them about their companionships and so forth. I have a meeting with the zone leaders and district leaders on sundays and tuesdays nights and we just talk about how everyone is doing and how we can be better leaders and help everyone stay positive and healthy and obedient. 
I love the hair turban thing mom. I wear everytime I shower and my roommates like to make fun of me because I look like a middle eastern or something. The half shirts are awesome too, perfect for hot weather. I LOVE getting letters from ya'll (wink wink). We have a joke that everyone just kind of forgets about you after about a month or a month and a half and I've realized it's not so much of a joke as we make it out to be ;) And Colby! I have written you a hand written letter so stop your boobing.  I want to hear from you all and how everything is going with school and stuff! What's up Brooky? Its been like 2 weeks! ;) Your supposed to keep me up to date with all the drama and stuff in the fam ;) Well since I'm leaving, the last day I can recieve letters is probably monday, So if your going to dearelder anything, do it on Sunday and then anything else will probably need to be sent to my Alabama address. Could you put that address up on my Facebook, just in case one of these days one of my friends decide to write me.
So now to this week. Hmm... Well we sang our farewell song on sunday since we have general conference this weekend. Our elders are pretty much tone deaf so it was sort of kind of hilarious to hear them try to sing. But I was so proud of them for getting up there and singing their hearts out. One of our Elders who is going to Uruguay has been sick for 2 weeks and in his room for a week. We can't decide if it's mostly in his head or what but we just keep praying he gets better so he can get out there and serve the people of Uruguay. We had mission conference on Sunday and it was great. One of the presidency talked about crooked paths and what I got out of the talk was, we many times follow the curvy paths of the world, and God sorrows as we try to make our way down those tough and tiring paths. Those paths aren't easy to go down and yet we pick them anyways. But we can correct those paths and walk on a much easier path, which is the straight and narrow path of the Lord. Later on sunday we watched a talk by Elder Holland entitled "Missions are forever." IT was so great, he is so funny and yet so powerful at the same time. What I got out of that talk was, Your mission is real life! we always say I can't wait till we get back to real life, but this is real. We shouldn't come home to what we think is "real life" or back to what we think is "normal". This mission should change us for the better and I can already see that in my life. Two months and I feel like a completely different person. I am definitely so completely different than I was a year ago. The Lord can change you and make you better, you just have to turn to him and put your life into his hands.
Bray, I got a scripture for you. Alma 61:14. Look it up! I thought you might like it. Alright so I only have 2 minutes left and I want to leave time to send pictures and send you all that flight stuff so I'll probably write the fam a letter later! Love you all so much and miss ya! Les Amo!!!
Con Amor, Hermana Masey Decker

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