Monday, October 29, 2012

Joy in the Work!

Buenas Tardes!!

Oh the fun of being on a mission. It really is the best time to be out on a mission. We have so many people interested because of Romney. Some lady asked for the Book of Mormon because she wanted to know what kind of man she was voting for... she of course said no to us coming over later to teach her more, but she said she would surely call us if she had any questions. I want everyone who has written me or emailed me to know that I always read them and very greatly appreciate them! Even if I don't reply. Things are just so hectic here! But good hectic... I have to keep reminding myself.

Oh boy the days go by slow and the weeks go by fast! Here's the basic gist of this week.
Monday was Pday of course. We went to Taco Bell for lunch because a lady in the ward gave us 20 bucks for food (she lives far away so she said she doesn't want to make us drive out there). It's a little bit strange to do normal things I would do at home as a missionary. But it was delicious! We learned something of one of our investigator family that I never wanted to hear. It just makes me realize how much the gospel blesses peoples lives and how ugly life can be sometimes. The thing is, this family is so ready for baptism. They just have some kinks they need to work out before they can be baptized. It makes me sad for them, and yet so much more ready to share the gospel with everyone.
Tuesday we did a lot of knocking on doors... which I just have to mention, I dislike very much. But it's getting better. I'm not apprehensive at all anymore to go knock on the door, I would just rather have appointments. The thing is the knocking on doors doesn't bring many results, but at least we are planting that initial seed. Sometimes, maybe one out of 10 doors that you knock on, the people inside will be interested. Although, most of the time you can't tell if its the southern hospitality coming out, or are they really interested. The baptists are always the greatest (which is the majority of the people down here) they will try to fight with us on the bible all the time and tell us how we are going against all the bible teaches... we never try to fight back but they usually get caught up in their words when we show them what the bible actually says. Suffice it to say, most of them are not interested. One lady we contacted at the door, made an appointment for another day, when that day came she called and cancelled and then while we were at the library, we saw her there. The Lord is not done with her yet ;) We went to this one house the other day and pulled up in front of there house and there door was opened. We said a prayer like we do before every time we leave the car and when we were done the door was closed and they pretended like they weren't home. People think were dumb or something ;)
Wednesday we had a trunk or treat thing at the church which was fun. We had our district meeting as well, which I don't know if I said, but our district consists of 4 girls and 2 guys so it's pretty fun.
Thursday we met a lot of black people. So Serph, I'm working hard to do what you said and baptize some black people ;) We got to go to the "projects" of Florence which some members of the ward are afraid of, but I didn't feel like I was in danger at all. We had an appointment there but she wasn't home. We went tracking near one of our referrals and ended up finding this lady named Trina and she let us in right away without us saying anything but we were missionaries for the church. Her name was Trina and she has three daughters, Keesha, Neesha, and Shamerica. We can't really tell if they are interested or just like our company, but they keep inviting us back, so hopefully it's both. We really learn that we should really talk to everyone because even if they aren't interested they may lead you to someone who is. That's why it is so important to ask for referrals from everyone. We went to this home of this older lady in the ward, who wont let us in her house because she has 20 cats and 5 dogs, so we had to sit out on her porch while we were teaching and there was swarms of mosquitoes outside so my body looks like I have chicken pox. It's great.
Friday we went to a further out part of Florence to talk to some inactives out there who speak spanish. Yay Spanish! Sister Martinez who is in our ward has 9 siblings, most of them in florence and some of them inactive. They live near eachother so we went to go see them and their families. One of her sisters is so sweet but I am so sad for her. She has about 5 kids and is married to a man who is very anti mormon. She wants to come back to church but he is not for it and doesn't want the children to go... she is so sad you can just see it in her eyes and I knew she wanted to tell us something but her husband was in the kitchen so she didn't. The more families I see without the Gospel in their lives, the more I realize how much the gospel has blessed my family and I couldn't imagine not having it.
Saturday we went to do some service. We are asked to do about 2 hours of service each week (obviously thats not a limit) and we decided to go and rake the leaves for one of the families in the ward, because the yards here are COVERED in leaves. Well we ended up just doing the next house and the next house too. By the time we were done, the yards were pretty much covered again, but it looked a little bit better. It has gotten blasted cold in the past few days. Apparently we get the best of both worlds here with super high temperature in summer and pretty cold in the winter. Of course it's not as bad as rexburg but it's cold if your wearing a dress all day. We have another investigator Deedee, who is really great. I love going over to see her except her house reaks of smoke. She wants to be baptized but she has too many problems with the Word of Wisdom so we are working with her on that. She says she liked everything else we were teaching until we got to the Word of Wisdom part. Hopefully she'll pull through.
Sunday we got fed by one of the members and it was a good southern meal. Most of the time I haven't liked the food, but we have to eat it anyway, but yesterday, the Kelleys made a great homemade southern meal. It was nice to go see members of the ward. We atleast know we are welcomed there. They have the cutest daughter too who is 4 and loves to talk. 
The work is going forth! And although somedays I want to sleep in and not get up, I'm loving every minute of it... Or at least I make myself love every minute ;) Spanish is super frustrating but it's coming... slowly. It's hard because I don't get to speak it all the time. But I know I was sent to Florence for a reason even if it is just to baptize that one spanish family, I'm happy with that. And it's a good thing I know english because my companion has a hard time with the Accents :)
I love you all!!! I hope all is well and I thank you so so much for all of your prayers.

Love Hermana Decker

P.S. I'm changing my guess for Braydens call. I'm guessing some asian country like Japan or Hong Kong. Or maybe Germany... 

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