Monday, February 10, 2014


Hola Hola!!!

Sorry, this letter is going to be short! We had to move around our preparation day due to inclement weather that may or may not be coming. This week has been fairly slow anyways, but I'll fill you in as best I can.

Quick funny story. We were teaching this Spanish family and talking about the Book of Mormon. We mentioned Moroni and their little 7 year old boy comes in and says, "Did someone say macaroni?!". Haha.

We have a family that we are teaching and they have a baptismal date. Their names are Alejandro and Veronica. They have the cutest little boy named Alex. They didn't come to church and we have had a tough time finding them at home, but we saw them yesterday and they are still all ready to move forward and keep on learning. We are excited for them!

If we have done nothing else this transfer, we at least helped the Spanish work move forward here. Almost all of our investigators are Hispanic and we just love working with them! (They are usually a little more friendly than these white people ;) ). We have been going to Collinsville at least once a week to see the Spanish members down there and President Lee has called Brother Rodriguez (one of the Spanish semi active members) as a Gospel Doctrine teacher for the Hispanics. Some of the less active members have started to come back to. It is so great to see the progress there! Someday there will be a Spanish branch in Fort Payne Alabama :)

We had zone conference this week. Lots of inspired and great trainings. The best part of the whole thing though was that a Ukulele Choir came with members of all different congregations. Some played the guitar, some the banjo, some the Ukulele, and some just sang. It was mostly just a bunch of old folk :) BEST THING EVER! We just sang a bunch of Jesus songs and then they ate lunch with us and we got talk with them. 

Love you all so so so so so so much! Hope you all feel better!!!! Prayers and Love headed your way!

Love, Hermana Decker

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