Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Fathers day!

Happy Fathers day to Dad!!! one day later, but it still counts :) I hope you got the letter I sent! Sounds like the work is certainly moving forward in good ol' Las Vegas! That is so exciting to hear with Austin and his baptismal date and with Brett! Ya'll are doing some great missionary work :) I'm going to have to step it up to catch up! I really hope that Brett continues to come to church! That would be so awesome if Serph got to baptize him. Your faith and testimonies and hard work in the work of the Lord is an inspiration to me to work harder and more effectively.

Well things are going here. It has kind of been a rough week. You get them every once and a while I guess. We have gone from 6 people with a baptismal date, to 1 and that 1 didn't come to church on Sunday so we have to move her date again. It's a bit frustrating when everyone keeps telling you that they will come to church and work towards baptism and then not put the work in to do something about it. I guess that's where we come in though. We need to help them out better. President has been telling us that we as a mission are doing better at inviting, we are just not doing so well in helping our investigators keep those invitations. I'm going to work harder on that this week.

This week was transfers. We now have a total of 9 companionships of sisters that we are over. I love them all to death, but it is kind of a lot of work :) We have 2 exchanges planned per week which means we won't be in our area as often, but hopefully that will push us to work harder in our own area with the investigators here. I think it's important for us to remember that all of these people here are not "our investigators", they're the Lords. It's hard to get some of the sisters to see that. They don't want to "share" their investigators with anyone. But, we're all working for the same goal so it shouldn't really matter which missionary is teaching them. Yes we should do everything we can to help that person and love them, but we don't have possession over them.

We got to go to Presidente Lopez's house yesterday for a "dia de Padre Fiesta". It was a lot of fun. We got to know the branch a little better and eat a bunch of different kinds of hispanic food... so much food. Hermana Beck (the other Huntsville sisters) is going to help me go on a diet this week ;) I'm gaining way too much weight. We ended up stuck their pretty much all day... Our ride back to the church didn't leave until the evening. But it was still great. I got some good spanish practice in. Which by the way, Brayden is going to speak 10x better than me when we get home. Where he is, is probably where I am right now... and I have been out 10 months. In my defense though, we are not completely submerged in spanish all of the time ;)

Other than that it has been a pretty slow week. We went on an exchange yesterday with the Athens sisters, saved a dying bird, taught a bum, baked cookies for some construction workers by our apartment, Met a millionaire who is living in a trailer park and has cancer and is related to Bruce Willis (that was an interesting one), and made banana pudding with Hermana May (a member in our branch who is AMAZING at cooking). 

Yep that's about it. It's hotter than hades here. The humidity is pretty horrible and the bike doesn't make it any better. You feel like you can barely even breathe! But it's all good :) The work of the Lord must go on! We just have some nice sweat marks to prove we've been working hard. 

I'm excited for the broadcast on Sunday! It should be pretty epic! Our stake didn't head the council of letting the missionaries watch it live so we have to watch a rebroadcast at 7... I'm kind of dissappointed with that, but it is what it is.

Love you all so so so much!!!!!!!! miss you! Thank you for all of the Love and support. Sure do love ya'll!

Love, Hermana Masey Decker

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