Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First email to Family

 Hola! Everything is going really good. I really think going off to college has helped me make this transition so much easier. It's still hard because I want to call you and tell you everything that is going on! I try to write in my journal every night and I have to bring out my schedule for the day because I forget everything that we did that day because we do so much. The day's here all kind of mesh together it´s hard to keep track. My pdays are on Wednesdays and we only have 30 minutes to send emails, so if any of these seemed rush, it's because I'm trying to get through everything so I can reply to ya´ll. You can send however many letters and emails you want! Please send as many as you want. One thing though, I can only check my email once a week, so it's actually a lot better if you use dearelder because I get those everyday. I am only supposed to write mail and send emails on Wednesday's though so I won't be able to reply as much. But it is so awesome when I get a letter so please please please have everyone send me as many as they want.

Class has been going well. Spanish is hard and I'm trying to get a hang of it. We already have our first "investigator". She's just a teacher here pretending to be an investigator but they through us right into that on friday and we had to teach her the first lesson in spanish! I guess it's good though because It helps us learn. Class is really long though, sometimes our district gets really distracted. We all get along really well and I guess that doesn't work when we have to focus because we just want to talk. The boys are awesome. I forget that they're 19 sometimes but then they do something dumb and I realize how young they are. One of the elders though is super spiritual and really good at getting us all focused. Gym is great! it really gets the stress out and gets me rebooted for the day. we played basketball with some other hermanas yesterday and I got elbowed in the face. now I have a fat lip. The saying is that the days go by slow here and the weeks go by fast and I can testify to that. It's crazy I've already been here a week. I feel so blessed to have such amazing girls and guys in my group. Hermana Flandro is awesome. Sunday was so nice. It was a good break to focus on the Lord and the spirit instead of Spanish. 

Last night really put things in perspective for me though. We had a devotional like we do every tuesday night and a member of the 70 and his wife talked. He talked about why we are here and the need to bring those who have fallen away back to the church. His wife told us to write our families especially our siblings. Afterwards we had a little testimony meeting as a district and it was amazing. I felt the spirit so strongly and I realized how much I could have made a difference in peoples life throughout my life that I didn't have a positive impact on. But now I have this amazing chance to bring others unto Christ and it's amazing! I cannot wait to get out there and teach. I already feel a love fore the people and I havent even left yet.

The girls and I get along super well and we are always laughing. I'm worried I'm going to get fat here because they feed us so well and they give us desert for every meal. I'm trying to eat better. We mostly just have a lot of class during the day, two 3 hour classes and then we have a lot of studying. On Pday today we got to go to the temple which was so nice.

hmm I hope I remembered as much as I could. Oh one other thing. Someone said that some temples don't provide free clothing to the missionaries. Could you check and see if that's the case for Birmingham? thanks! Thanks for the shoes too they are amazing.

I love you! and miss you!!!!!
Love- Masey

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